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The Haemovigil system, implemented at Max Super Speciality Hospital in Ghaziabad, offers a comprehensive solution for ensuring safe blood transfusions. It utilizes unique wristband

Haemovigil: A Step Towards Safe Blood Transfusion To The Bedside

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Haemovigil, a comprehensive surveillance system, addresses errors in blood transfusions. By attaching unique wristbands and employing software-controlled digital transporters, it guarantees accurate patient identification and prevents transfusion mistakes. The system’s successful implementation has reduced errors to zero and promises a safer, more efficient process while integrating seamlessly into existing workflows. Haemovigil is a pivotal step toward error-free blood transfusions at the patient’s bedside, enhancing healthcare quality.



There’s a pressing need to address serious and potentially fatal issues stemming from human and clerical errors in the realm of blood transfusions. Studies have shown that these errors, especially at the bedside, account for a significant portion (80–85%) of transfusion mistakes. National haemovigilance programs like SHOT in the UK and HVPI in India have highlighted that the risk of mis-transfusion far surpasses that of transfusion-transmitted infections, primarily due to errors made during bedside procedures. The transfusion process deserves more attention, specifically focusing on patient safety.


Aim of the Study

This study primarily emphasises the significance of Haemovigil, a comprehensive surveillance system that covers the entire transfusion process, ensuring patient identification accuracy and reducing identification-related transfusion errors.



The Haemovigil system comprises three key components:

  • Wristbands: These contain a unique 6-digit number and four peel-off labels with encrypted codes to be attached to specimen tubes.
  • Software: The software decrypts the code from the labels on specimen tubes and generates the same 6-digit number found on the wristbands.
  • Digital Transporter: This is an insulated, reusable box with a digital lock. It carries blood units and only opens when you enter the unique 6-digit number generated by the software, matching the Haemovigil wristbands.


Hemovigil Transfusion Wristband

How It Works:

  • Peel-Off Label: Start by peeling off one label from the transfusion wristband. Please attach it to the samples being sent to the blood bank.
  • Scan Barcode: Scan the barcode label attached to the sample tube.
  • Attach Wristband: Attach the transfusion wristband to all patients admitted to the hospital.
  • Open Digital Transporter: To open the Digital Transporter, enter the number found on the Transfusion Wristband.
  • Lock and Release: Lock the digital transporter using the generated transporter key. Then, release the blood bags.
  • Haemovigil Transporter Key: The Haemovigil Software automatically generates a unique Transporter Key.
  • Safe Transfusion: Finally, put the blood component into the digital transporter for safe and error-free transfusions.
  • Start Over: You can start over if you need to begin again.


Results and Discussion

In the present study, the Haemovigil system reduced blood transfusion sampling errors to zero, down from 71 (0.79%). There were no reports of incorrect blood transfusions. Notably, the HaemovigilTM Transfusion Safety System provides assurance even when patients with similar names are admitted to the same ward. This is achieved by attaching a specific wrist code to each patient. If a nurse or clinician in the ward attempts to open the Haemovigil digital transporter box with the wristband code of a patient with a similar name, the box will not open. This acts as a safeguard, preventing undue or near-miss events.



The Haemovigil system is a crucial addition to the healthcare landscape for various compelling reasons. Firstly, it excels in its mission to reduce blood transfusion errors to zero, substantially enhancing patient safety. Moreover, this system offers an affordable and straightforward solution, combining both hardware and software elements to optimize its efficiency. Notably, Haemovigil ensures a final and repeated patient identification check before each blood transfusion, acting as a fail-safe mechanism against potential errors.

Its seamless integration into the existing blood transfusion workflow is especially valuable, ensuring a smooth process without causing disruptions. Haemovigil represents a significant stride towards achieving safer and more reliable blood transfusions at the patient’s bedside, ultimately enhancing healthcare quality.

Patient Safety





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