The Use Of Innovative Non-invasive Ventilation Mask With An Inbuilt Feeding Port (NIV-IFP Mask) In Patients Requiring Prolonged Ventilation

The Use Of Innovative Non-invasive Ventilation Mask With An Inbuilt Feeding Port (NIV-IFP Mask) In Patients Requiring Prolonged Ventilation

The Use Of Innovative Non-invasive Ventilation Mask With An Inbuilt Feeding Port (NIV-IFP Mask) In Patients Requiring Prolonged Ventilation

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Long-term Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) patients often struggle with nutrition delivery due to short feeding breaks and associated risks. Traditional methods, using gastric tubes through NIV masks, result in air leaks, poor ventilation, and discomfort. The NIV-IFP Mask, featuring a 3D-printed nut mechanism and a feeding port, addresses these issues. It prevents air leaks, offers patient comfort, and enables fluid intake, all at a significantly lower cost (Rs 600-700). Trials demonstrated minimal air leakage and maintained RT functionality, ensuring both patient comfort and healthcare worker convenience. This innovative NIV-IFP Mask is a cost-effective solution, promising to enhance nutrition delivery and patient care for long-term NIV support.



In the fast-paced and technologically-driven world we live in, the healthcare sector is not an exception when it comes to embracing innovation. The implementation of digital solutions has become the norm, and one such groundbreaking tool is the REAL LIST mobile application, which is transforming daily hospital operations. This article delves into the significance of REAL LIST, an application that has eliminated the need for traditional paper checklists and log sheets in healthcare institutions, leading to increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings.


Air Leaks and Compromised Ventilation

The existing solutions for providing nutrition to patients on long-term NIV support have several disadvantages. For instance, proprietary designs by renowned companies tend to be prohibitively expensive, costing between Rs 4,000 and Rs 5,000. Additionally, NIV itself can lead to dehydration, making it challenging to use a straw or a modified feeding tube for drinking water or other fluids. Patients may also experience discomfort, and the risk of the Ryle’s Tube (RT) getting kinked or causing pressure marks on the skin during extended ventilation periods is a significant concern.


Innovation: NIV Mask with Feeding Port

To address these challenges, a groundbreaking innovation has emerged in the form of the NIV Mask with a Feeding Port.

This innovative solution offers a range of advantages that revolutionize the nutrition delivery process:

  • printed nut mechanism that can accommodate RTs of all sizes. Smaller RTs can prevent gastric insufflation during NIV, a significant improvement in patient care.
  • Elimination of Air Leak and Kinking: With the new mask, air leaks and kinking of the RT become a thing of the past, ensuring optimal ventilation.
  • Enhanced Comfort for Patients: Patients experience minimal discomfort with this mask, making the entire NIV experience more tolerable.
  • Convenient Fluid Intake: The RT can be easily modified into a straw, enabling patients to consume water and other fluids during NIV administration.
  • Cost-Effective: The NIV Mask with Feeding Port is a cost-effective solution, with a price ranging from only Rs 600 to Rs 700, making it accessible to a wider range of patients.


Clinical Trials and Outcomes

The introduction of the NIV-IFP mask has undergone rigorous clinical trials to assess its effectiveness. Institutional ethical clearance was obtained for its use in patient trials in March 2022. The results of these trials have been promising.

  • Minimal Air Leak: Air leakage with the new mask was minimal, a significant improvement over traditional solutions.
  • Functional RT: The functionality of the RT was not impaired, allowing for effective nutrition delivery.
  • Enhanced Patient and Healthcare Worker Comfort: Importantly, patients using the NIV Mask with Feeding Port reported minimal discomfort. Healthcare workers also found it easier to care for patients using this mask.

For patient trails, Institutional ethical clearance for use of this mask was received via no IEC/2022.03 dated 15th Mar 2022


The significance of proper nutrition for patients receiving long-term NIV support cannot be overstated. Poor nutrition is associated with longer hospital stays, a higher rate of conversion from NIV to invasive ventilation, and poorer clinical outcomes. Furthermore, malnutrition is linked to a high morbidity rate. In light of these challenges, the NIV Mask with Feeding Port emerges as a game-changing innovation that addresses these concerns in an economically viable manner.


When compared to other available technologies in the field, this NIV mask offers substantial advantages, both in terms of patient care and cost-effectiveness. It is poised to become a boon for healthcare in third-world countries, offering a viable solution for patients who rely on long-term NIV support. The incorporation of the gland nut assembly into the mask has played a pivotal role in weaning patients off NIV and preventing the need for invasive ventilation. The addition of this unique mechanism is highly effective in delivering adequate nutrition to patients without compromising their ventilation, ushering in a new era of care for those on long-term NIV support.

Patient Safety





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